Monday, July 4, 2011


Ramai yang berminat untuk memulakan perniagaan internet serta memperluaskan perniagaan dengan medium ini dan ramai juga yang masih sangsi dengannya. Tidak dapat dinafikan kerana inilah lumrah dunia. Setiap yang baik ada buruknya. Sama jugalah dengan teknologi baru ini.

Jika dahulu kaum Cina di bawa ke sini untuk menjadi buruh. Selepas menjadi buruh di Tanah Melayu di masa itu, kebanyakan kaum Cina terus memulakan perniagaan kecil-kecilan manakala kaum Melayu masih mengamalkan cara kehidupan seperti bercucuk tanam dan peliharaan binatang ternakan. Hasil tanaman dan peliharaan akan dijual kepada tokey-tokey Cina untuk dijual di pasar. Secara tidak langsung, kaum Cina telah mengambil peluang memulakan langkah untuk menjana ekonomi mereka. Jadi jika hari ini kita mengeluh untuk bersaing dengan kaum Cina dalam perniagaan janganlah kita salahkan mereka. Kita juga yg mencorakkan nasib kita sekarang.

Daripada negara berasaskan pertanian, negara telah mengalami satu proses Revolusi industri dimana daripada negara berasaskan pertanian kepada negara berasaskan industri. Semasa proses awal revolusi ini berlaku, rata-rata peniaga Cina yang ramai mengambil peluang ini. Selain dari syarikat-syarikat besar yang datang untuk bertapak di negara kita, kilang-kilang kecil ( iks ) juga tumbuh seperti cendawan. Kebanakannya dimonopoli oleh kaum Cina juga. Malahan sehingga sekarang 90% daripada perusahaan IKS HALAL Malaysia dimonopoli oleh kaum Cina. Sikat cepat merebut peluang oleh kaum Cina sangatlah kita patut contohi. Jadi perlukah kita menyalahkan kerajaan atau marahkan kaum Cina di malaysia ini atas apa yang mereka kecapi???

Sedar atau tidak seluruh dunia sedang mengalami REVOLUSI TERBESaR sejak revolusi industri dulu. Revolusi ini dinamakan TRANFORMASI MEDIA. Mahu tidak mahu kita sedang mengalami revolusi ini. Ya!! Revolusi ini sudahpun bermula. Revolusi ini telah memberi impak besar kepada dunia.

Barak Obama memenangi pilihanraya Presiden Amerika Syarikat dengan memanfaatkan sepenuhnya medium baru ini. Rujuk buku tulisan Rahaf Harfoush berjudul YES WE DID.
In Yes We Did, new media strategist and campaign headquarters volunteer Rahaf Harfoush gives us a behind the-scenes look at the campaign’s use of technology, from its earliest days through election night. She reveals strategic insights organizations can apply to their own brands. Discover how unwavering strategic vision and collaborative technologies–email, blogs, social networks, Twitter, and SMS messaging–empowered a formidable online community to help elect the world’s first “digital” President.
Selain itu, Negara kita juga tidak terlepas dari tsunami revolusi ini dimana kerajaan Barisan Nasional tewas 5 buah negeri dan tidak mendapat 2/3 majoriti kerusi parliman. Pembangkang lebih awal memanfaatkan teknologi media baru di Malaysia sehingga member impak besar dalam pilihanraya umum ke 12 lepas. Tidak dapat dinafikan teknologi-teknologi ini dibawa masuk ke Malaysia di era Tun Mahathir Mohamad lagi. Tetapi sifat dan perangai orang-orang Melayu masih seperti lama walaupun mereka sendiri yang mencipta peluang tersebut. Yang mengecewakan pula sikap kebanyakan pemimpin-pemimpin yang masih mengamal cara pemikiran era British walau kita telah berada di alaf baru ini. Dah terantuk baru nak terngadah.

Kejatuhan kerajaan Mesir pimpinan Husni Mubarak juga tidak terlepas dari impak media baru ini, dimana rangkaian social seperti Facebook dan Tweeter yang menjadi medan mempengaruhi kebangkitan rakyat Mesir untuk mengadakan demonstarsi bagi menjatuhkan Husni Mubarak. Akhirnya Mesir sekarang mengalami kerugian besar dari berbagai segi terutamanaya kepada ekonomi negara tersebut. Ini telah membuka ruang campurtangan asing dalam menentukan pembentukan pimpinan baru kerjaan kelak.

Revolusi Media Baru ini sangat berpengaruh sehingga dapat menjatuhkan sesebuah kerajaan yang kuat. Yang berjaya menangani dan mengimbangkan pengaruh revolusi ini hanya mereka yang sedar akan kepentingan media baru ini dan memanfaatkan penggunaan teknologi ini sepenuhnya.

Jika kita tidak mengambil peluang hasil dari revolusi ini, nescaya kita juga akan jauuuuhhh ketinggalan dari mereka-mereka yang telah mengorak langkah dengan memanfaatkan teknologi ini. Tepuk dada Tanyalah diri anda. Adakah anda telah bersedia? Atau anda sudah/masih selesa seperti dahulu kala?

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Assalamualaikum sahabat-sahabat sekalain, hari ini saya ingin berkongsi satu artikel ( hadis ) yang telah lama saya simpan. Hadis ini sangat bermanfaat untuk kita jadikan amalan dan panduan dalam kehidupan kita untuk selamat di dunia mahupon di akhirat kelak.

Semoga kalian semua dapat menghayati dan seterusnya menjadikan ia sebagai satu amalan dalam kehidupan seharian.

Daripada Saidina Khalid bin Al-Walid RA berkata, “ Telah dating seorang Arab desa kepada Rasulullah SAW dan menyatakan tujuannya: Wahai Rasulullah! Kedatanganku untuk bertanya engkau mengenai apa yang akan menyempurnakan diriku di dunia dan akhirat.”

Rasulullah berkata kepadanya: “Tanyalah apa yang engkau kehendaki.” Arab desa itu berkata: “Aku mahu menjadi orang alim.” Dibalas Rasulullah: “ Takutlah kepada Allah SWT.”

Dia bertanya lagi: “ Aku mahu menjadi orang paling kaya.” Rasulullah menjawab: “Jadilah orang yang yakin pada diri.” 

Bertanya lagi Arab desa itu: “Aku mahu menjadi orang yang adil.” Lalu dijawab Rasulullah: “Kasihanilah manusia lain seperti engkau kasih pada diri.”

Dia bertanya: “Aku mahu menjadi orang paling baik.” Baginda menjawab: “Jadilah orang yang berguna kepada masyarakat.” 

Dia bertanya lagi: “aku mahu menjadi orang istimewa di sisi Allah.” Dan dijawab Rasulullah: “Banyakkan zikrullah.”

Arab desa itu bertanya: “Aku mahu disempurnakan imanku.” Baginda menjawab: “Perelokkan akhlakmu.” 

Dia bertanya lagi: “Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan orang yang muhsinin ( baik ). “Beribadatlah kepada Allah seolah-olah engkau melihat-Nya dan jika engkau tidak berasa begitu, sekurang-kurangnya engkau yakin Dia tetap melihat engkau.”

Arab desa itu bertanya lagi: “Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan yang taat.” Lalu dijawab Baginda: “Tunaikan segala kewajipan yang difardukan.” 

Dia bertanya lagi: “Aku mahu berjumpa Allah dalam keadaan bersih daripada dosa.” Rasulullah menjawab: “Bersihkan dirimu daripada najis dosa.”

Dia terus bertanya: “Aku mahu dihimpun pada hari kiamat di bawah cahaya.” Baginda menjawab: “Jangan menzalimi seseorang.” 

Dia bertanya lagi: “Aku mahu dikasihi oleh Allah pada hari kiamat.” Baginda berkata: “Kasihanilah dirimu dan kasihanilah orang lain.”

Dia bertanya: “Aku mahu dihapuskan segala dosaku.” Baginda menjawab: “Banyakkan beristighfar.” 

Dia berkata: Bagaimana pula aku mahu menjadi semulia-mulia manusia.” Lalu baginda menjawab: “Jangan mengesyaki sesuatu perkara pada orang lain.”

Dia bertanya Rasulullah: “Aku mahu menjadi segagah-gagah manusia.” Baginda menjawab: “Sentiasa menyerah diri ( tawakal ) kepada Allah.” 

Dia bertanya lagi: “Aku mahu dimurahkan rezeki oleh Allah.” Baginda menjawab: “Sentiasa berada dalam keadaan bersih ( daripada hadas ).”

Dia bertanya: “Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan yang dikasihi Allah dan Rasul-Nya.” Baginda menjawab: “Cintailah segala yang disukai Allah dan rasul-Nya.” 

Dia bertanya: “Aku mahu diselamatkan daripada kemurkaan Allah pada hari kiamat.” Baginda menjawab: “Jangan marah kepada orang lain.”

Dia bertanya lagi kepada Rasulullah: “Aku mahu diterima segala permohonanku.” Baginda menjawab: “Jauhilah makanan haram.” 

Dia bertanya: “Aku mahu Allah menutup segala keaibanku pada hari kiamat.” Baginda pun menjawab: “Tutuplah keburukan orang lain.”

Dia bertanya: “Siapa yang terselamat daripada dosa?” Rasulullah menjawab: “Orang yang sentiasa mengalir air mata penyesalan, mereka yang tunduk pada kehendak-Nya dan mereka yang ditimpa kesakitan.”

Dia terus bertanya: “Apakah sebesar-besar kebaikan di sisi Allah?” Baginda menjawab: “Elok budi pekerti, rendah diri dan sabar dengan ujian ( bala ).” 

Dia bertanya lagi: “Apakah sebesar-besar kejahatan di sisi Allah?” Baginda menjawab: “Buruk akhlak dan sedikit ketaatan.”

Dia bertanya: “Apakah yang meredakan kemurkaan Allah di dunia dan akhirat?” Baginda menjawab: “Sedekah dalam keadaan sembunyi ( tidak diketahui ) dan menghubungkan kasih saying.”

Dia bertanya lagi: “Apa yang akan memadamkan api neraka pada hari kiamat?” Baginda menjawab: “Sabar di dunia dengan bala dan musibah.”

Telah berkata Imam Mustaghfirin: “Aku tidak pernah menemui hadis yang besar dan merangkumi kesempurnaan agama dan bermanafaat selain hadis ini.”

AstagfirllahHalazim... Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa hambamu yang lemah ini dan berikan kekuatan untuk kami harungi dugaan dan godaan syaitan laknatullah.... Semoga kita semua mendapat perlindungan dariNya. AMIIN.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Permulaan BerBlogging

Hari ini saya baru bermula untuk menulis blog. Mungkin kerana saya kurang pandai untuk menulis, tetapi bukan juga bermakna saya tidak suka membaca. ;) Saya sangat minat membaca. Tidak kira apa jenis bahan bacaan. Paling menarik minat saya adalah bahan bacaan yang berbentuk motivasi. 

Setiap hari kita menempuh berbagai-bagai halangan dan dugaan hidup. Ada yang berjaya dan ada yang gagal untuk kita harunginya. Apabila berjaya, kita gembira dan bila gagal pula sedih menyelubungi kita. Saya juga tidak terlepas dari cabaran dan dugaan dalam kehidupan ini. Bagi saya, setiap kejayaan dan kegagalan pasti ada hikmah di kemudian hari. Janganlah kita terus mengaku kalah apabila diduga dengan kegagalan, dan janganlah pula kita alpa bila kita diduga dengan kejayaan. Perlu kita ingat bahawa setiap kejayaan dan kegagalan adalah dugaan dari Allah S.W.T terhadap kita. Dari sinopsis saya, bahan bacaan berbentuk motivasi akan mengajar kita lebih berfikiran terbuka dan sentiasa berfikiran positif. Pembacaan buku-buku motivasi sangat penting dalam kehidupan seharian bagi menaikkan semangat kita yang pasang surut bak air di lautan.

Banyak sangat melalut, dah macam pakar motivasi la pulak. ;) 

Hari ini saya telah membantu seorang sahabat saya yang berminat untuk memulakan perniagaan di internet. Saya bertanya pada beliau kenapa hendak menceburi perniagaan internet? Jawapan beliau mudah, tiap-tiap hari online duit keluar ( online di cyber cafe ) nak jugak online masuk duit. ;) Sebenarnya apa yang dilakukan oleh sahabat saya ini adalah satu tindakan yang bijak dari seorang budak lepasan SPM. Setelah mengambil masa lebih kurang 3 jam memberi tunjuk ajar dan nasihat, akhirnya beliau memilih untuk membuka kedai Baju & Pakaian. Anda boleh melawat kedai beliau di sini Http:// . Saya doakan beliau berjaya dalam dunia perniagaan di alaf baru ini. 

Oklah saudara/i sekalian, hari pon dah awal pagi. mengantuk rasanya bila dah kenyang makan durian malam tadi. InsyaAllah dilain hari saya akan menulis lagi untuk tatapan anda semua.

Terima kasih kerana sudi melawat blos saya ini. ;)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

"The Secret To Understanding A Man"

The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave is quite a unique relationship book written by relationship expert Bob Grant. Mr. Grant is an actual therapist and has hours upon hours of real world experience in helping women with their relationship problems. This book is the culmination of years of his experience and advice from his practice in written form that he has put together in hopes of helping women repair broken marriages and relationships, or to put it bluntly, to help women get their boyfriend back or get their husbands back.

The book, "The Women Men Adore and Never Want to Leave" points out that often women behave in ways that actually drive their boyfriend or husband away out of frustration or from months or years of suppressing their feelings. As a result, many women may behave in ways that men might view as being negative, clingy, needy or "bitchy" as a result of trying to hold in their frustrations. Mr. Grant points out and gives tips and tricks that a woman might use to bring a man closer and actually make him wish to please her and make life easier and better for her.

Bob Grant's work is rather clever and, as a man, I felt that the tools and tips that he gives hold value and would be effective if used in a relationship with me. I actually think that men might consider picking up a copy of this book and giving it to the woman that they love in hopes of improving their relationship. I would caution though that this must be done with some tact since it might be viewed as placing blame on the woman you love for issues in the relationship or marriage. I will say though that "The Secret To Understanding a Man" is an approach that is given in The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave would take much of the hostility out of a turbulent relationship.

A sneak peek at the contents The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave shows that you will learn: 

Three sentences that you can use that will almost hypnotize him.

What you may be doing that is putting distance between you and your boyfriend or husband.

Five things that are essential for a man's existence that you may be missing.

What the ultimate "kiss of death" is in any relationship and how to avoid this pitfall.

How to keep your past from ruining your marriage or relationship with him.

What the biggest issue always is in any marriage or relationship and three tricks or tips you can use today to overcome this relationship killer.

And the most important thing I saw was...What all men really find attractive that will surprise you if not completely blow you away.

Overall, I found "The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave" a breath of fresh air and truthful. I think that Bob Grant's background speaks volumes for his expertise and although the title of his book may seem long winded it tells you exactly what you will be getting or be taught. Now if they would only write a book that would tell men how to become every woman's dream I think that we would be all set!

However, one thing to remember is that this book is not any kind of "magic bullet" and the strategies inside the guide will only work for you if you are ready and willing to put in the efforts required.

I hope that this Woman Men Adore review was useful for you, all the best! 


Article Source:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Projects For Woodworking" - "Woodworking Plans & Projects"

Whenever people ask me regarding the woodworking projects in fact they are looking for better ideas or better tips for their projects. Not only that, they also intend to know how to plan better for their woodworking activities for the projects and where from to get the best woodworking plans. In fact the people who want to execute their ideas successful in this field need the best woodworking plans and projects.

In the field of woodworking, it starts with the ideas. The idea is then converted into plan and plan into project, project into implementation and finally implementation into output. The smoothness or complexity of your plans and projects will vary depending upon your level of knowledge and the intensity of efforts you put into it.

As I explained above that woodworking starts with an idea, the second step is the development of plan that comes into the mind based on the idea. Plan is closely related to the project that is to be taken up. No matter whether you are a beginner or a skilled woodworker, you need to have best woodworking plans and projects. It should include the measurements and the steps you need to follow to accomplish it.

The third step is the implementation. In other words, if you have arrived till here, it means that you are having all the necessary tools and equipment with you to give the shape of your plans and projects within your budget.

And the concluding step is the outcome of your ideas, plans and projects i.e. the final woodwork implemented. And here it will create the impact on the result of your work. To be very honest, this is very crucial as the final woodwork which comes out here becomes a deciding factor whether you are a good woodworker or failed in proving yourself. And it will decide whether you will go for next woodworking plans and projects or not.

It plays a very important role whether you take it as a hobby or as a skilled work. It is always better to look for a better guidance to implement your plans and project successful. This field is ever green as well as very dynamic where designs are changing very fast. People are accustomed to adopt new designs that comes into the market. In this scenario, you should give something special which is rare in the market.

There are numerous books, magazines and other resources are available in the market to capture your attention towards it. But it is up to you to wisely choose the best out of it which can give you everything that you want.

Honestly when you talk about woodworking projects plans and how to succeed in your DIY projects, I do want to help you succeed. Find out more here to find you the best woodworking palns & projects. Click Here.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Wind & Solar Power" "Solar Panels Build"

Renewable energies are diverse in nature and they have the capacity to replace the fossil fuels, which have detrimental effects on the environment. Since there is no toxic waste in producing power using green power technologies the emission of green house gases can be brought under control to a large extent. There also been a growing demand for renewable energy resources in the recent past by industries and domestic users, because of the increasing awareness of the green house effects.

Several industries do not mind the initial costs of setting up green power plants and they also get green power certificates, which are valuable in the consumer industry. You may wonder, what are the different kinds of such energies? Well just to name a few - Hydro electricity, wind power, ocean power bio fuels and bio mass are all different forms of renewable energy sources.

As of now hydro electricity is able to reach several domestic users and many companies have set up hydro electricity units. The wind energy and solar energy are also popular and it is possible for people to have these forms of energy suppliers installed in their own homes. As of now solar energy and wind energy cannot meet 100% of the usage demands for the basic consumer, but they can save about 40% or even more of the regular power consumption for a domestic user.

Most people find this good enough, because they are directly saving 40% of the power costs. Renewable energies are ideal for the environment and the Earth, because they take power from natural sources that are readily available and as there are no raw materials used to create power there is no waste. This is the single biggest factor that is riving the whole world towards green power as it involves only investment costs and nothing else.

If you would ask me, which is the best renewable energy to use, then I would probably say wind and solar power. The other types are not well developed for public use, and there isn't enough instructions for them. However, if you want to get free electricity using wind energy or Sun's power, then you should definitely learn a solar panels build ing and a windmill. Click here to find out  this product.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Download Internet Movie Online

Nowadays with broadband connection speed available to everyone, it is easy to download internet movie online. It is a convenient and fast way for busy people to download and watch movies in the comfort of their homes. It saves the need to step out of the house to rent or buy a DVD movie.

There are a couple of methods to download internet movie online.

The first method is by using P2P networks. P2P networks make use of peer to peer technology to distribute large data files. The problem with P2P networks is most of the movies are illegal or bootleg copies. By downloading these illegal movies, you are violating copyright and piracy laws and I highly advise you do not use this method to download internet movie online.

Also, spyware and viruses are rampant on P2P networks and it is unsafe to download such files on your computer.

The second method is make a one time purchase from online movies sites such as cinemanow or movielink. Typically you pay anywhere from 9.99 to 29.99 to download each movie.

The download file is usually in windows media format and is designed to play on your computer only.

The third method is to the services of download movie sites. These download movie sites usually charge a one time membership fee after which you are allowed to download unlimited internet movies. It is cheaper and more cost effective in the long run if you plan on purchasing download movies often.

The movies files are also much safer since they have been certified to be free from spyware and viruses. Download speeds are also much faster compared to P2P networks. You can also get support if you encounter any problem unlike P2P networks where there is no support.

I would highly recommend anyone who wants to download internet movie online to try download movie sites since it is cheap, fast and easy.

Ricky Lim is a avid movie fanatic. Discover the top internet movie download sites recommended by Ricky. Click here to find out.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


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